Mathematician | Programmer | Musician


Thanks for visiting my corner of the internet. My name is Varun and I am a developer and musician from Massachusetts. Earlier this year, I acquired my MS in Computer Science with a concentration in Data Analytics, and I am now looking for work in data and/or software. If you need a motivated and creative problem solver for your team, look no further! For my work history and contact information, please see my resume.

Recently, I've been having a blast doing hackathons with my friends. We like to mess around with game dev, AI, LLMs, and whatever else we feel like diving into for the night. One fun project I've contributed to is Endless, our attempt at creating an endless crafting game built on ChatGPT responses. We've started meeting fairly frequently, so I'm sure we'll have more cool things to show in the coming months!

My most recent solo project is drawble, a collaborative drawing and chat application for making doodles with your friends. Although it has a simple interface, it allowed me to deep dive into web-sockets and AWS. Both in and outside of school, I have collaborated on a number of projects with other students and friends, most of which can be found in my Portfolio.

In addition to programming, I also enjoy writing music. I have been commissioned for a few tracks in the past and am open to new projects, whether for your video game or short film. The majority of my music is on SoundCloud, but you can also find my EP on Bandcamp and Spotify. Reach out to me on SoundCloud or my email and we can discuss further!